Military Tech U.S. Army Could Start Testing Iron Man Suit By June 2014 Uber GeekFebruary 13, 20141 The U.S. Army announced last year that it would be developing a new armored suit for its soldiers. This led people to...
Technology New Power Plant In UK Is Powered By Tides And Can Electrify 120,000 Homes Uber GeekFebruary 12, 20140 With the hunt for new sources of energy to meet both human needs and protect mother nature, engineers have come up...
Technology European Space Agency Has A Sound System That Can Kill You Easily Uber GeekFebruary 12, 20142 For those of you who don't know, sound can kill at high levels. Sound greater than 135 decibels can be lethal. Luckily...
Gadgets Samsung Releases A Washing Machine That Can Be Controlled By Your Smartphone Uber GeekFebruary 11, 20140 Doing the laundry is a tedious task and can be a burden on our hectic schedules. Making time to do a load of laundry...
Military Tech Taranis Is Britain’s New Superdrone Uber GeekFebruary 11, 20140 Britain's military has performed the first test flight of its next-generation drone. Taranis, named after the Celtic...
Gadgets uArm Is A Robotic Arm That Can Sit On Your Desk And Pour You Drinks Uber GeekFebruary 10, 20140 Robotic arms have been used for industrial purposes for years now. The gigantic collection of steel and wires are what...
Technology The New World’s Most Powerful Laser Can Destroy Any Planet Humans Want Uber GeekFebruary 10, 20143 Researchers and scientists from around the world are working in collaboration to produce the world's most powerful...
Gadgets 25 Cool Things For Under $25 Uber GeekFebruary 9, 20140 Not everything cool and interesting has to be expensive. Some of the most fun things can be bought for close to...
Cars Bikes Hybrid Electric Bicycles Are Finally Here Uber GeekFebruary 9, 20142 Caterham, a British automaker, has gone from producing four-wheeled machines to two-wheeled transport. The company has...
Gadgets New Research Gives The Best Tip To Pass Every Engineering Exam Uber GeekFebruary 8, 20140 Engineers are constantly keeping themselves in tune with the needs of time and hence, they adapt to new technologies...
DIY Projects Make Your Own Air Conditioner At Home Using Household Items Uber GeekFebruary 7, 201447 Necessity can make people create the most amazing things. For example, some people will do almost anything to keep cool...
DIY Projects This Man Got His Airplane Ripped Apart By A Bear At A Remote Location. What He Did Next Is Truly Amazing Uber GeekFebruary 4, 20144 There are a lot of worse case scenarios involving airplanes. The first that come to mind are crashes and emergency...
Cars Bikes In Future You Will Be Able To Repair Your Car Without The Need Of A Mechanic Uber GeekFebruary 3, 20142 With cars becoming more and more complicated everyday, it is becoming increasingly difficult for mechanics and owners...
DIY Projects Engineer Makes His Own Tablet From Scratch Uber GeekFebruary 3, 20141 With the large variety of tablets available in the market today, it is hard to choose the right device. Michael Castor,...
Top 10 10 Professionals That Will Lose Their Jobs In The Next Decade Uber GeekFebruary 3, 20144 According to a Oxford University study, automation will replace up to 47% of current jobs by 2033. If any of you want...
Cars Bikes Company Transforms School Bus Into Luxury RV Uber GeekFebruary 1, 20140 Renting a bus-sized Recreational Vehicle can be expensive and almost out of reach for some. Well, the people at...
Top 10 Top 10 Engineering Projects Uber GeekJanuary 31, 20144 Ever since man invented fire and the wheel, all of mankind has been achieving bigger and bigger feats of engineering....
Cars Bikes 7 Amphibious Cars That Can Run On Both Land And Water Uber GeekJanuary 31, 20146 What are the best Amphibious Cars? Cars that can do more than just run on pavement were once considered as...
Technology 5G Internet Is A Thousand Times Faster Than 4G Uber GeekJanuary 30, 20141 People in South Korea will be able to download entire movies in just one second by 2020. The country's Ministry of...
Gadgets iPhone 6 Could Be World’s Thinnest Phone To Date Uber GeekJanuary 30, 20140 Ever since Apple surprised people with the super-thin iPad Air last year, there have been rumors that the company is...