Technology The All-New Device Will Enable Blind People To Navigate Everyday Life Jannat Un NisaJuly 28, 20200 Researchers at Lough-Borough University designed a hand-held robotic guide that will help visually impaired people to...
Technology These Aluminum Balloons Are The First Satellites Created By NASA Jannat Un NisaJuly 28, 20200 The world's first satellite was quite simple in terms of installed options and services, as well as its shape. It was...
Amazing Watch This Youtube Play The Famous Toto’s Africa On Tesla Coils Jannat Un NisaJuly 28, 20200 Youtuber Franzoli Electronics played the famous track, not with any musical instruments. He played the symphony with...
DIY Projects Guy Builds His Own Invisibility Shield And It Is Super Easy To Make Jannat Un NisaJuly 26, 20200 Inspired by a Canadian company that happened to build an invisible shield last year. This guy demonstrates how easy it...
DIY Projects Youtuber Converts His Lawnmower Into A Mini Tank Jannat Un NisaJuly 25, 20200 People come up with crazy ideas every now and then. Same happened...
Amazing This Is The Story Of How US Airforce F-15 Shot Down A Satellite In Space Jannat Un NisaJuly 23, 20200 Such a fantastic event only happened once in the history when a classified ASAT ( anti-satellite ) missile was fired...
Amazing Watch What Happens When Molten Thermite At 3632 °F Meets Water Jannat Un NisaJuly 23, 20200 Thermite is a chemical mixture that consists of aluminium and iron oxide, or we can say, pretty much rust powder....
Military Tech Syrian Army Showing A Captured Black Hornet 3 Spy Drone Tells How Robots Are Already Being Used In Modern Warfare Jannat Un NisaJuly 23, 20200 It marks another occasion of using modern-day tools in warfare. Syrian troops captured a black hornet spying on their...
Amazing Check Out What’s Inside The World’s Deepest Man-Made Hole Jannat Un NisaJuly 21, 20200 Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest manmade hole on Earth. It stretches around 40,230ft-deep, 12.2km, its a...
Architecture Watch This Company Build The World’s Largest 3D Printed House In One Go Jannat Un NisaJuly 20, 20200 3D printed houses are built through additive manufacturing...
Amazing Festo Unveils Bionic Swift That Flies Like The Real Thing Jannat Un NisaJuly 20, 20200 A Germany based automation company came out with its all-new invention of Robot Bird that just looks like a swift....
Architecture Check Out The World’s Largest Brick Bridge That Is Still Functional Jannat Un NisaJuly 20, 20200 The 256-foot-tall 1,883-foot-long Göltzsch Viaduct's construction completed in the year 1851. It is...
Military Tech This Is The Story Of How US Airforce Almost Blew Up North Carolina Accidentally Jannat Un NisaJuly 18, 20200 It wasn't a good time in terms of accidental state damages for the U.S and kept on for almost a whole decade....
News Russian State-Backed Hackers Attempt To Hack Into UK’s Research On Coronavirus Vaccine Jannat Un NisaJuly 17, 20200 UK, US, and Canada's national Intelligence Agencies have reportedly blamed Russian state-funded hackers for attempting...
News Hackers Hack Twitter Accounts Of Multiple Billionaires In One Of The Most Prolific Bitcoin Hacking Episodes Jannat Un NisaJuly 16, 20200 High Profile Twitter accounts hacked in one of the most significant security breaches on social media ever witnessed....
BioMedical Schlieren Imaging Technique Demonstrates How Important It Is To Wear Face Masks Jannat Un NisaJuly 15, 20200 The Coronavirus outbreak has affected the human race in almost every social setting on the planet. It has been into...
Cars Bikes Does A Teaspoon Of Sugar In Your Car’s Gas Tank Kill The Engine? Here’s The Answer Jannat Un NisaJuly 14, 20200 No one has ever experienced or proved that pouring some sugar in the gas tank has destroyed a car's engine. If someone...
News America’s Aircraft Carrier Is On Fire For Last Two Days And Might Never Return To Service Jannat Un NisaJuly 14, 20200 USS Bonhomme Richard, an aircraft carrier, caught fire on Sunday morning in San Diego, resulting in an internal...
Top 10 Purple Island Is South Korea’s New Travel Sensation Jannat Un NisaJuly 14, 20200 Since the 21st century, we all have been listening about South Korea's sensational K-pop culture, especially in music....
DIY Projects New Study Outlines The Best Materials For DIY Face Masks Jannat Un NisaJuly 14, 20200 Covid-19 is an infectious disease and a pandemic that has been spreading like wildfire for the past few months....