Cars Bikes The Smog Free Bicycle Concept Will Deal With The Pollution In China Aayesha ArifMay 18, 20170 China's industry is growing at a very fast pace, and so are the pollution levels in the country. It is having a hard...
Amazing Click Farms Like This In China Use Thousands Of Phones To Publish Fake Product Ratings Aayesha ArifMay 18, 20170 Most people in this era have an obsession with fame, and people attempt the most terrible things to get theirs, even if...
Cars Bikes Everything You Need To Know About The Tesla Rival Faraday Future FF 91 Aayesha ArifMay 18, 20170 Everything that Tesla makes is very hyped, may it be electric cars, batteries, or solar roofs but Tesla is definitely...
Technology Thousands Of HP Laptops Have Keyloggers Installed By Default Aayesha ArifMay 16, 20170 If you bought a new HP laptop in 2015 or 2016, be ver very scared. It may be recording everything you type, including...
Amazing Watch What Happens When You Try To Pour Water Over The Hoover Dam Aayesha ArifMay 16, 20173 If you travel a few times in your life, you would be mesmerized, or rather obsessed with something unique about it....
What Is This Is How Astronauts Work Outside The ISS Moving At 17,500mph Aayesha ArifMay 15, 20170 If you are moving at the speed of 80 mph in a car, try getting your head out of the window, and the wind will hit you...
BioMedical German Researchers Develop Gecko Inspired Light Activated Grippers Aayesha ArifMay 15, 20170 Geckos have an incredible ability to stick to vertical surfaces and scientists are trying to replicate this ability in...
What Is Understand The Meanings Of These Secret Words Used By Flight Attendants Aayesha ArifMay 15, 20170 Once you board a plane, you begin to worry about every little thing that happens around you, unless you are a frequent...
News MP3 Format Is Officially Dead After Creators Terminate Licensing Program Aayesha ArifMay 15, 20171 The digital audio coding format MP3 has changed everything about music for each one of us, leading to plenty of new...
News Boeing Mechanics Cause $4 Million Damage Air Force One Oxygen Systems Aayesha ArifMay 15, 20170 The US Air Force confirmed that during a routine check in April last year, use of contaminated equipment caused a...
Cars Bikes Indian Roads Will Only Have Electric Cars By 2030 To Fight Air Pollution Aayesha ArifMay 15, 20170 India's coal and mines minister has announced that every car sold in the pollution drowned country will be electricity...
Gadgets You Can Turn Your Phone Into A Portable Coffee Maker With The Mokase Phone Cover Aayesha ArifMay 13, 20170 Work without coffee can be an absolute nightmare if you are one of those people who can not even function properly...
What Is These Apps Will Help You Boost Your Productivity When You Study Aayesha ArifMay 13, 20170 Studying is not a difficult task in itself. If you are a procrastinator, it is far harder to convince yourself to begin...
Cars Bikes World’s First Supercar Made Of Titanium Can Hit 220 Mph Aayesha ArifMay 13, 20171 A few decades ago, titanium was considered an element of science fiction equipment like superhero armor, submarines,...
News Elon Musk Picks An Unusual Name For The Boring Company’s First Machine Aayesha ArifMay 13, 20170 Having unusual names for everything is quite a trend, whether it is babies or electronic equipment. Scientific...
Amazing Watch This 60,000 PSI Waterjet Slice A Shotgun In Half Aayesha ArifMay 12, 20170 Water sounds quite harmless unless it is about to drown you. For all other practical reasons, it is literally life. The...
Gadgets Carnegie Mellon Researchers Invent A Sensor That Could Monitor The Appliances Of An Entire Room Aayesha ArifMay 12, 20170 Ever since the advent of the phrase "Internet of Things," we have been seeing people say our devices are getting...
Amazing This Artist Creates Soundwave Tattoos That You Can Listen To Aayesha ArifMay 12, 20170 Tattoos are considered a mode of communication, some get them for the fun of it, but to some people, these show a...
Technology NASA Just Announced A One Year Long Moon Mission Aayesha ArifMay 12, 20170 A lot of space conspiracy theorists say that Apollo moon landing was staged. Well, whatever lets them sleep better at...
Technology Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Tesla Solar Roof Aayesha ArifMay 12, 20170 The exponential rise in global warming has caused the world to consider renewable energy very seriously. Tesla, as one...