Military Tech U.S. Army Could Start Testing Iron Man Suit By June 2014 Uber GeekFebruary 13, 20141 The U.S. Army announced last year that it would be developing a new armored suit for its soldiers. This led people to...
Technology Scientists Generate Electricity From Bacterial Spores And Humidity The EngineerFebruary 13, 20140 With water evaporation being added to the list of renewable energy sources, we just might be looking at the world’s...
Cars Bikes Aston Martin Comes Up With World’s First Sports Car For Small Kids The EngineerFebruary 13, 20140 We always cover posts which are related to cars that are performance beasts or some conceptual stuff that has years to...
Cars Bikes The Future Of Technology Will Make Our Lives Look Like This! AdminFebruary 13, 20140 Technology and engineering are advancing at a fast pace. Just like reading horoscope, it's interesting to predict how...
Architecture This Small Boxed House Kit Lets You Build Your Own Home In 6 Hours The EngineerFebruary 12, 20141 Today’s article is about how flat pack mini house is seeing a spike in sales in certain countries and how they are...
Gadgets Samsung’s New Galaxy S5 Will Be The Coolest Smartphone Ever The EngineerFebruary 12, 20144 Samsung is keeping us all busy with the hype which has been created for the design that Samsung’s new mobile, Galaxy...
Technology New Power Plant In UK Is Powered By Tides And Can Electrify 120,000 Homes Uber GeekFebruary 12, 20140 With the hunt for new sources of energy to meet both human needs and protect mother nature, engineers have come up...
Technology European Space Agency Has A Sound System That Can Kill You Easily Uber GeekFebruary 12, 20142 For those of you who don't know, sound can kill at high levels. Sound greater than 135 decibels can be lethal. Luckily...
Military Tech US Soldiers Will Soon Be Training On A Virtual Battlefield The EngineerFebruary 11, 20140 You know you are in the 21st century when you get to personally experience the Star Trek “holodeck”. Yes, Northrop...
Gadgets Samsung Releases A Washing Machine That Can Be Controlled By Your Smartphone Uber GeekFebruary 11, 20140 Doing the laundry is a tedious task and can be a burden on our hectic schedules. Making time to do a load of laundry...