Gadgets Myris – Now Your Eyes Hold The Password To Your Online Accounts The EngineerFebruary 7, 20140 It is becoming such a big problem to remember all those passwords which you keep creating every now and then. Very...
Architecture You Won’t Believe This Apartment Building In Russia Exists For Real AdminFebruary 7, 20145 Russians are famous for doing things differently. The urban idiom " Only in Russia" is a testament to the weird things...
Gadgets Bedjet Warms Your Bed At Night By Blasting Warm Air Through It AdminFebruary 7, 20140 The biggest problem in winters, without any doubt is getting into a cold bed at night! Bedjet is the new thing in town...
DIY Projects Make Your Own Air Conditioner At Home Using Household Items Uber GeekFebruary 7, 201447 Necessity can make people create the most amazing things. For example, some people will do almost anything to keep cool...
Technology Japan Is All Set To Clean The Space Of Junk Using A Huge Net The EngineerFebruary 6, 20140 We are a strange specie, we tend to destroy nature first and then work really hard to mend the damage which we have...
Cars Bikes New Future Car Concept By Chinese Engineering Students Merges Car With Maglev Trains The EngineerFebruary 6, 20140 If there’s one thing that all science fiction movies have taught us, it is the inevitable fact that roadways and how...
DIY Projects Problems + Engineering Students = Crazy Inventions [30 Pics] AdminFebruary 6, 20140 Necessity is the mother of invention. The statement holds the most relevance when it comes to Engineering. Engineering...
Gadgets This Is The World’s Most Accurate Clock And It Doesn’t Lose A Second In 5 Billion Years The EngineerFebruary 5, 20142 Time is money and well, you need to keep a track of time to be successful in life. Most of the ordinary guys like us...
Gadgets Toshiba Unveils A Smart Mirror For Your Kitchen And Washroom The EngineerFebruary 5, 20140 The International Consumer Electronics sure brings a lot to talk and get excited about. The recent, CES 2014 in Las...
Technology What Do Germans Do When They Wait For Traffic Lights? This is so COOL! AdminFebruary 5, 20140 Germans have a knack of doing things differently when it comes to using new technologies and innovation. Ever...