Amazing Hot Secretary Quits Her Job in Style But You Won’t Believe What Engineer Boss Did Next WallpaperFebruary 15, 201451 People are hired and they quit jobs - a usual event of everyday corporate life. Recently, a good looking secretary quit...
Amazing 12 Socially Awkward Doormats Engineers Need When They Are Working AdminFebruary 15, 20140 Engineers love to have guests but when we are working, we need to focus. Today, we have put together a collection of...
Gadgets Sony Sells New Walkman Packed In Water Bottles The EngineerFebruary 14, 20140 Every new gadget comes with a lot of promises and claims. However, it is very rare to see a company stand up for its...
Architecture This Amazing Floating 7 Star Hotel Will Accomodate The 2022 Qatar World Cup Guests The EngineerFebruary 14, 20141 Architecture and construction industry are surely going through a age of revolution where we are witnessing a number of...
Gadgets Globoy Solar Night Light Could be the Cutest Gadget You Will Ever Own The EngineerFebruary 14, 20140 Who doesn’t like cute gadgets, especially the ones which are useful as well! Today’s post is about one such gadget...
Military Tech U.S. Army Could Start Testing Iron Man Suit By June 2014 Uber GeekFebruary 13, 20141 The U.S. Army announced last year that it would be developing a new armored suit for its soldiers. This led people to...
Technology Scientists Generate Electricity From Bacterial Spores And Humidity The EngineerFebruary 13, 20140 With water evaporation being added to the list of renewable energy sources, we just might be looking at the world’s...
Cars Bikes Aston Martin Comes Up With World’s First Sports Car For Small Kids The EngineerFebruary 13, 20140 We always cover posts which are related to cars that are performance beasts or some conceptual stuff that has years to...
Cars Bikes The Future Of Technology Will Make Our Lives Look Like This! AdminFebruary 13, 20140 Technology and engineering are advancing at a fast pace. Just like reading horoscope, it's interesting to predict how...
Architecture This Small Boxed House Kit Lets You Build Your Own Home In 6 Hours The EngineerFebruary 12, 20141 Today’s article is about how flat pack mini house is seeing a spike in sales in certain countries and how they are...