DIY Projects 8 Unusual Uses Of Hairspray That You Did Not Know Before Aayesha ArifFebruary 16, 20170 Your hairspray has saved you thousands of times from bad hair days by taming the rebellious strands of your hair. The...
Gadgets Nokia is Relaunching the Legendary 3310 This Month Aayesha ArifFebruary 16, 20172 The Samsung Note 7, even after its battery explosion incidents, could not be the subject of as many internet memes as...
Technology You Will Soon See Passenger Drones Flying Over Dubai Aayesha ArifFebruary 15, 20172 Only a single passenger quadcopter made it to the CES 2016. Nonetheless, it was enough to capture the attention of the...
Amazing This Is How Satellites Avoid Colliding Into Each Other Aayesha ArifFebruary 15, 20170 The Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite Sputnik I into space in 1957. This satellite was only...
DIY Projects Russian Man Builds A Church Completely Out Of Snow Aayesha ArifFebruary 15, 20170 Were you not proud of making the perfect snowman last winters? Well, let us introduce you to a person who went way...
Technology Here Is How Cell Phones Are Tapped Without The Users Knowing About It Aayesha ArifFebruary 14, 20170 Your cell phone can be tapped and that too in such a way that you could never get even the slightest idea that it is...
Technology Scientists Create Rebar Graphene Foam That Can Support A Weight 3000 Times Greater Than Its Own Aayesha ArifFebruary 14, 20170 Do you know what the strongest material on Earth is? It is neither a metal nor some rock. The strongest material ever...
Amazing Underwater Welding: The Tough Job Keeping Our Offshore Systems Alive Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20170 If you thought your job is tough, think again. Underwater welding is one of the toughest occupations in the world....
What Is Do Astronauts In Space Age Slower Due To Time Dilation? Here Is The Answer Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20171 If you are into science, the first thing you should know is to AVOID forming scientific concepts based on the events of...
Cars Bikes Mercedes Unveils A New Van That Is Actually A Toolbox On Wheels Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20170 Mercedes is on a roll. It stole the auto show last year with its specifically designed Sprinter, and this year, it aims...
Amazing Watch This Astronaut Throw A Football In Space That Travels 564,644 Yards Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20170 You don't have to be physically present on Earth to be excited about the Super Bowl. Probably, this is the principle...
Gadgets 7 Worst Tech Gadget Flops That Put Companies To Shame Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20170 The success or the failure of a product is always a mere game of chance, no matter how many resources they consume in...
Technology Cleaning Robot Gets Roasted By Intense Fukushima Radiation Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20171 Fukushima nuclear accident happened in Japan in 2011, and the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) has since, not been...
Amazing This Is How A Helicopter Lands Safely When All Its Engines Fail Aayesha ArifFebruary 13, 20170 If a plane is about to crash, the first way to that comes to mind for saving yourself is to get a parachute and jump...
What Is Here is How The Systems On The International Space Station Are Cooled Down Aayesha ArifFebruary 12, 20170 The International Space Station is equipped with very powerful systems. Powerful computing systems generate large...
Cars Bikes Mercedes Presafe Sound Will Protect Your Hearing In Case Of A Collision Aayesha ArifFebruary 12, 20170 Nowadays, even an ordinary car offers a seatbelt and an airbag to protect you from the physical impacts of a crash. A...
Amazing Here Are The Things That Astronauts Cannot Take Into Space Aayesha ArifFebruary 11, 20170 The questions like, What is that one thing you can not live without? If you are allowed to take only one thing to...
Architecture 10 Of The Most Amazing Twisted Skyscrapers In The World Aayesha ArifFebruary 11, 20170 Can the modern architecture ever cease to amaze us? We have had amazing buildings and tall towers with hundreds of...
News Siemens Successfully Tests The World’s First 3D Printed Gas Turbine Blade Aayesha ArifFebruary 11, 20170 Siemens has become the first company to successfully test 3D printed gas turbine blades, a breakthrough in the...
Amazing This is How Much Software Engineers Make Around The World Aayesha ArifFebruary 11, 20170 It is a common belief that that software engineers are very well paid. While that being true in most cases, the amount...