Amazing Can You Pass This Test That Thomas Edison Gave To His Potential Employees? Aayesha ArifApril 14, 20170 Thomas Edison preferred to hire people with a capacity to memorize lots of information. After becoming frustrated...
Amazing Learn About Every Country’s Biggest Export From This Interactive Map Aayesha ArifApril 14, 20170 Every economy depends on significantly on its exports. Some countries are famous for their exports, but there are some...
Amazing This Russian Man Filled His Wife’s Car With Concrete Aayesha ArifApril 13, 20171 A woman in St. Petersburg, Russia legally changed her surname without asking her husband's permission, and the man...
Architecture This Is How The Electric Charging Stations For Cars Will Look Like In The Future Aayesha ArifApril 13, 20171 Transportation technology has been evolving continuously ever since the invention of the wheel. The...
Amazing Google’s New AutoDraw Software Uses AI To Make Your Drawings Better Aayesha ArifApril 13, 20170 If you are one of those people, who look at people's beautiful sketches and graphic doodles and wish you could at least...
Architecture These Are The Top 7 Earthquake Resistant Buildings In The World Aayesha ArifApril 13, 20170 Earthquake is a word that we are all scared of. Numerous earthquakes have caused countless disasters on the face of the...
News Rest In Peace – Windows Vista Is Officially Dead Aayesha ArifApril 12, 20170 Windows Vista came out in 2007, and only now, a full 10 years later, Microsoft has decided to end support for the...
Cars Bikes This Danish Museum Lets You Scratch A Beautiful Lamborghini Gallardo Aayesha ArifApril 12, 20171 No one wants to see a scratch on their car. No one wants to see a scratch on any car unless it belongs to the ex that...
Technology These Industries Will See A Revolution Thanks To Cheaper Space Travel Aayesha ArifApril 11, 20170 Space travel is considered absurd and a wastage of resources by a lot of people. Many people don't notice that a lot of...
Technology This Water Proof Electronic Wheelchair Is Powered By Compressed Air Aayesha ArifApril 11, 20171 Wheelchairs are a concept that is centuries old, and a lot of innovation has happened in this product. Now we can find...
Amazing UK Artist Creates A Knife Angel Sculpture Out of 100,000 Knives Confiscated By Police Aayesha ArifApril 11, 20170 Guns are not common in the UK, but knife crimes are becoming quite frequent and to raise awareness about the growing...
Cars Bikes Here Are 10 Really Cool Facts About Tesla Motors That You Didn’t Know Before Aayesha ArifApril 11, 20170 Tesla Motors is an Electric Automotive company aimed at driving the world towards the use of sustainable energy at a...
Amazing These Wedding Cakes By An Indonesian Bakery Look Nothing Like Cakes Aayesha ArifApril 11, 20170 A wedding cake is perhaps the most crucial element to a cake, after the bride and the groom themselves. A ruined cake...
BioMedical Paralyzed Patient Can Now Move His Arm Thanks To Neuroprosthetics Aayesha ArifApril 10, 20170 An experimental technology called neuroprosthetics from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio allowed a...
Technology Your Body Heat Can Now Power Your Devices With This Thermoelectric Fabric Aayesha ArifApril 10, 20170 Energy is the biggest concern of life today and even more so is clean energy. Researchers have been trying to develop...
Amazing Japanese Scientists Plan To Be The First To Reach The Earth’s Mantle Aayesha ArifApril 10, 20170 Humans are a very curious species. We have been trying to look for things beyond the surface of the earth, whether...
Technology Climate Change May Cause More Turbulent Flights In Future Aayesha ArifApril 10, 20170 Not everyone is scared of flying, but even if you are not, once the plane goes whiz wheezing in the middle of the air,...
Amazing This Is The Story Of The Corned Beef Sandwich In Space That Nearly Killed Everyone Aayesha ArifApril 10, 20173 Space missions are critical, and even the smallest of harmless acts may have enormous consequences when done in space....
Architecture The Cheapest House In San Francisco Costs Half A Million Dollars Now And Is Absolutely Uninhabitable Aayesha ArifApril 9, 20170 According to a survey, people living in the Bay area in San Francisco make the most money but if consider the living...
News Drone Flying In Canada Will Have Strict Restrictions From Now On Aayesha ArifApril 9, 20170 Flying drones is fun, but it will have its consequences, and strict ones, at least in Canada. The transportation...