Here Are 10 Really Cool Facts About Tesla Motors That You Didn’t Know Before

Tesla Motors (3)

Tesla Motors is an Electric Automotive company aimed at driving the world towards the use of sustainable energy at a more affordable price. It is one of the most famous automakers not just in America but worldwide. We have gathered some of the less commonly known facts about the company for you.

1. Tesla Designs are open source

In 2014 Tesla decided to make its designs open source. The company now releases its patents publically so anyone can use it for the sake of advancement of electric vehicle technology.

Source: Tesla

2. Elon Musk did NOT found Tesla

Most people believe that Elon Musk is both the CEO and the founder of Tesla but this is not true. The company was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in 2003. Elon Musk only joined Tesla later in 2004 for looking at the investments and provide design assistance.

Elon Musk
Source: Digital Trends

3. Tesla Model line up spells SEX

Elon Musk wanted that Tesla Model lineup spells SEX. The series goes Model S, Model E, and Model X. Model 3 dropped in place of Model E because Ford owns the term “Model E.” He managed to get it to Spell S3X and the 3 on the car was to be engraved with three slashes like the company’s logo, so that will still look like an E. The company has changed the branding logo again to “3” instead of the slashes. Another model is planned that will be named Model Y, getting the lineup to spell SEXY.

Source: Hype Beast

4. There is a special Tesla Coffee Blend

Tesla has its own special coffee blend just for its employees and events. Probably gets you more charged?

Source: Reddit

5. Tesla is the second oldest publicly listed American Automaker

Ford was founded in 1903, while Tesla in 2003, a full century apart. So it might come as a shock to some that Tesla is only behind Ford as the second oldest publically listed American Automaker.


6. Tesla cars have hidden Easter eggs

The company hides easter eggs in their cars for users to find. No, they are not candy eggs it’s just rainbow stuff. Like rainbow light USB ports or rainbow ports.

7. Tesla hosts a 5K fun run every year

The company is open to the public on the yearly 5K fun run that goes through the test track and the production facilities.

8. Tesla cars get a paint job for every event

The Model S and Model X cars get a paint job celebrating lots of annual events. The recent was a celebration of veteran’s day.

Source: Gas-2

9.  Tesla Model S is the safest car on the market

Tesla Model S has been awarded 5 out of 5 stars by the National Highway Safety Administration; the highest any automobile has ever achieved. When the car was tested for safety, it broke the NHTSA’s roof crush testing machine. The car was the first electric vehicle ever to receive Motortrend’ Car of the Year Award. The Model S even holds the titles for the lowest drag coefficient and the largest panoramic sunroof of any production car. The drag coefficient of the car is 0.24.

Tesla Model S
Source: CNET

10. Tesla cars never turn off

All Tesla EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries just likes the one used in laptops so when you close the car and put it in parking, it goes to sleep like a laptop.

Ford Tesla (3)
Tesla Model 3
Source: Tesla

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