This Canadian Company Turns Shipping Containers Into Amazing Self-Contained Swimming Pools

A Vancouver-based pool company is making a big splash in the world of outdoor recreation by converting shipping containers into backyard swimming pools across Canada and the US. These transferrable pools are efficient to build and can be modified with deluxe features. These sustainable container pools can be customized as per customer needs with a control app to adjust the water’s temperature, jets in the pool, and the lighting from their smartphone. In addition, a divider wall could also be set to provide both the hot tub and the pool experience all at once.

This could be a way to reuse containers that are often transported overseas and go to waste—while at the same time providing comfort for home-bound families, especially during the pandemic.

Since shipping containers are utilized in many modern scenarios, they make for an eco-friendly option compared to traditional materials. Moreover, these containers can do a lot more than just carrying freight. For instance, container buildings, a $200K container university lab, container-based hydroponic farm all show us what shipping containers are capable of.

Modpools’ founder Paul Rathnam had been in the container business even before starting the upcycling of containers into pools. Initially, Paul and his wife launched Modpools at the B.C. Home + Garden Show in Vancouver earlier this year. Fortunately, the idea took off amazingly, and people ordered from California, Nevada, Texas and Florida.

Paul Rathnam said people like the idea of repurposing shipping containers.

“People like to get behind it,” he said. “The traditional pool is a symbol of excess and waste. This is a little more modern, more modest. We’re repurposing something rather than recycling. This pool can be resold, and you can take it with you if you move.”

Rathnam specifically prefers single-use containers across the Pacific, carrying electronics and clothes from China to North America. In addition, he also said that “North America doesn’t really have much to send China,” therefore, China doesn’t need those back. But, unfortunately, half of the containers eventually rust their lives off.

Most of the time, the company upcycles shipping containers transported overseas just once and then left to their fate. Modpools gives them a new lease in life for at least another 30 years by turning them into pools.

“Modpools are designed to be plug-n-play, meaning everything you need to run your pool comes built-in. Modpools come equipped with a pump and filtration system, a heater, wifi control, and a colour-changing LED light,” according to the company description of container pools.

Finally, we have a product that is well designed, green and sustainable. Maybe this is a step ahead towards a sustainable green planet. Who knows that upcycling single-use materials like shipping containers might solve our ever-growing issue of waste management.

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