Renault is going all-electric in its latest campaign to convince people to use electric vehicles. The automaker giant company has offered a whole french town to lease its electric Zoe on an attractive and comfortable three years installment plan. The Zoe EV was offered to every house in Appy, a small rural setting in the Ariege region of France.
The move is not primarily to earn a profit, but to make people aware of how efficient it could be using an electric vehicle for daily use. Renault emphasizes on the use of electric cars in rural settings is as suitable and cheap as its use in urban areas. All that Renault is asking in return is to have customers periodic reviews on the effective use of their electric vehicle.

Renault giving away electric vehicles in substantially attractive terms has the core purpose of finding out customers’ reviews and suggestions to make the most out of Zoe. The campaign targets to convince people that electric cars are more convenient than conventional gas cars. However, the scope of the study remains limited as the small town has quite a few households, to begin with.
Zoe EV is equipped with batteries capable of running it smoothly for around 245 miles once charged to a hundred percent. Renault is working on shifting the world of Gas cars with that of Electric cars by convincing its effective use even in one of the most isolated French towns. The project could work as a myth-buster in favor of electric cars.
Renault plans on setting up a public charging station and to provide people with home chargers to make the wide-spread use of EV cars.