Technology New Carbon Nanotube Coating Protects Your Furniture from Fire The EngineerFebruary 1, 20140 During winters, who doesn’t like sitting close to the fireplace? However, doing that can become quite a headache if...
Top 10 Top 10 Engineering Projects Uber GeekJanuary 31, 20144 Ever since man invented fire and the wheel, all of mankind has been achieving bigger and bigger feats of engineering....
Cars Bikes This New Gadget Adds Tank Like Tracks To Your Car The EngineerJanuary 31, 20140 Winters do more than just drop the temperature in your area; they tend to reduce efficiency of humans and machines as...
Gadgets Google Smart Contact Lens Measures Your Glucose Levels From Tears The EngineerJanuary 31, 20140 Google just can’t resist making anything and everything. The latest addition in Google’s arsenal is a contact lens...
Cars Bikes 7 Amphibious Cars That Can Run On Both Land And Water Uber GeekJanuary 31, 20146 What are the best Amphibious Cars? Cars that can do more than just run on pavement were once considered as...
Cars Bikes New Technology By Audi Will Ensure You Always Find Green Lights The EngineerJanuary 31, 20140 We all are tired of the red lights. They become so frustrating when we are in a hurry or on our way back. They always...
Technology 5G Internet Is A Thousand Times Faster Than 4G Uber GeekJanuary 30, 20141 People in South Korea will be able to download entire movies in just one second by 2020. The country's Ministry of...
Gadgets New SaveOneLife Landmine Detector Is Worn In The Shoe And Will Save Million Of Lives The EngineerJanuary 30, 20142 While we are usually talking about new inventions in terms of how cool it is or how awesomely weird it looks like,...
DIY Projects Give Your Dead UPS Battery A Second Life Using This Cheap And Simple Trick AdminJanuary 30, 2014200 With power crisis becoming an epidemic across the world, frequent power outages are no surprise and dealing Dead UPS...
Gadgets iPhone 6 Could Be World’s Thinnest Phone To Date Uber GeekJanuary 30, 20140 Ever since Apple surprised people with the super-thin iPad Air last year, there have been rumors that the company is...