Architecture Construction Of The World’s Tallest Building Will Start This Week In Saudi Arabia The EngineerApril 21, 20140 Saudis are up to it again; they just can’t stop surprising us all, can they? So what is this all about now? Alright,...
Gadgets 18 New Furniture Designs That Will Make You Wonder Why You Never Saw Them Before Uber GeekApril 21, 20142 Saving space is a great way to organize or declutter any small home or apartment. But even if you have more space than...
Technology Take A Sneak Peak Inside The Toilet Of The Future Uber GeekApril 21, 20145 The toilet that we all know and use today took a thousand years to evolve into its current form. But that doesn't mean...
Gadgets 25 Super Cool Gadgets You Should Have Before You Die Uber GeekApril 21, 20146 There are many super cool gadgets available in the market today. Some of these novelties are expensive and out of the...
Gadgets 7 Games That Make Your Kid Learn Something New The EngineerApril 21, 20140 Children dread classrooms, don’t they? That is because of the boredom that is associated with the classroom. So how...
Gadgets All Smartphones In US Will Come With A Kill Switch By 2015 The EngineerApril 21, 20140 Smartphones have become a necessity nowadays. We all carry sensitive data on our smartphone so what if your smartphone...
Amazing Portland Flushed 38 Million Gallons of Water From Its Reserviour, All Because of One Man’s Pee The EngineerApril 20, 20140 You usually find public warning messages telling visitors that they are not supposed to litter. However, such signs get...
Gadgets Engineer Uses Empty Coke Bottles And LEDs To Solve Africa’s Lighting Issue The EngineerApril 20, 20140 While it is true that science and technology are morphing the world into a better place and we are witnessing some...
Technology Samsung Galaxy S5 Fingerprint Sensor Hacked In One Week The EngineerApril 20, 20140 So we were all really excited about the new Galaxy S5 with all its innovative features but it would seem that some...
Gadgets Amazon’s New Smartphone Has 5 Cameras At Front And Has A 3D Interface The EngineerApril 19, 20140 Behold as another business giant is all set for making an entry in the smartphone industry. As we all know, smartphones...