Man Posts Negative Restaurant Reviews Online, Faces Two Years In Prison

In Thailand, a 21-year-old British individual, identified as Alexander, was recently accused of tarnishing a Phuket eatery’s standing by posting numerous unfavorable online assessments. The sequence of incidents prompting his apprehension originates from 2022 when Alexander was housed in leased accommodation within Phuket.

To reach his accommodation, he frequently passed through an Italian restaurant, which prompted the owner to confront him. The owner requested Alexander to use the public road instead, as he was not a customer and was disturbing the guests. Following this confrontation, the restaurant’s Google rating significantly dropped from 4.8 to 3.1, attributed to numerous alleged fake 1-star reviews.

Suspecting Alexander’s involvement, the restaurant owner lodged a complaint. Although details on how the authorities verified Alexander’s connection to the reviews remain unclear, an arrest warrant was issued in August 2023 for “entering false information into a computer system likely to cause damage to others,” a violation distinct from defamation under the Criminal Code.

Alexander was apprehended in Bangkok and subsequently conveyed to the Sakhu Police Station in northern Phuket. Throughout interrogation, he vehemently contested the accusations, yet the potential consequence of conviction could entail a maximum of two years’ imprisonment.

This occurrence bears resemblance to a 2020 incident involving an American tourist who faced analogous charges for disseminating a Trip Advisor review that implicated a Phuket resort in ‘modern-day slavery.’ Following detention, the tourist was eventually released upon issuing a formal apology.

Alexander’s predicament underscores the stringent ramifications of Thailand’s rigorous anti-defamation statutes and serves as a stark admonition to travelers concerning the conceivable legal hazards associated with online activities. It underscores the imperative of comprehending and adhering to local ordinances, particularly in the realm of digital comportment, to avert substantial legal repercussions.

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