What is your first reaction to the idea of an illuminated toilet bowl? What if it came in 8 different, glowing colours? Weird, right?

Illumibowl is the motion-activated toilet light that will light up the water in your toilet. Jokes apart, going to the bathroom in the middle of the night is quite difficult for many. The Prevention Magazine reported that more than a third of the women aged 40 or above experience nocturia. Another survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation said that more than 65 percent people aged 55, and above go to the bathroom several times during the night.

Exposure to the bright light in the washroom in the night can mess up your sleep, leaving you frustrated and sleepy in the morning. Thus, the idea of a motion-activated light in the bathroom to lead you to the toilet bowl is a smart idea.

In 2014, Matt Alexander and Michael Kannely decided to solve the problems involved in nightly trips to the loo and came up with the concept of the Illumibowl. They state their mission on their site in a fun, cheerful tone:
“After one-too-many midnight bumps, bruises and alien abductions that occurred while on route to a rendezvous with the porcelain throne. Our sole purpose in life is the utter extinction of the boogie man, the monsters hiding under the bed, and all things that go bump in the night.”
They have also added a Potty Humor section on their site to enthral their audience with umm gripping stories.

Illumibowl uses suction cups to attach to the side of the usual toilets. The light sits inside the bowl and can be fixed on a favourite colour or made to rotate through various colours. Once you are done, the LED automatically switched off to save power.

The duo raised more than $100,000 via Kickstarter and employed a Chinese factory to fulfil all their orders by Summer 2015. Since then, several hundred thousand units of these glowing toilet lights have flown off the shelves and are even featured in stores like Bed, Bath and Beyond.