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Here Are 8 Predictions About The World In 2025

As per Moore’s Law, we shall be witnessing an acceleration in the rate of change as we move closer to the world that offers true abundance in 2025. We have compiled a list of eight areas that will be witnessing a groundbreaking transformation in the next decade. Check out the list and let us know what you think of it.

8. Blockchain

Blockchain is what the bitcoin is based on. It is a protocol that allows for direct and secure digital transfers of assets and value. Marc Andreesen, the investor, has actually invested tens of millions into its development and believes that this opportunity is as important as the creation of Internet. We are talking about carrying out transactions without any middleman and in the next decade this procedure will become the norm.

7. Early Days of JARVIS

Artificial intelligence shall be taking huge leaps in the next decade. You think Siri is doing well? Think along the lines of JARVIS from Iron Man. It will become quite normal in a decade for users to allow access to their AI in their private life; phone calls, messages and emails and even be able to scan your biometric data.

6. Augmented and Virtual Reality

A new generation of displays and user interface shall come into play and screens as we know them shall be phased out. Digital eyewear would become the word of the day!

5. Disruption of Healthcare

Healthcare industry is a $3.8 trillion industry and in a decade the current institutions will be phased out and shall be replaced by wearables and AI. This will give the control of health to the user. We will be better able to understand heart diseases, cancer and neurodegenerative disease and how to tackle it. Robotic surgeons shall be able to carry out surgeries autonomously at a very economical price and shall be conducting them entirely.

4. 8 Billion Hyper-Connected People

Many companies are working on providing global connectivity and that too at a speed that will be exceeding 1MB/sec. This will increase the number of connect persons from 3 billion to 8 million and thus boost the economy by introducing 5 billion new consumers.

3. Perfect Knowledge

The way things are being developed and at the pace we are moving, we shall soon be living in a world of perfect knowledge. A trillion sensors will be collecting data everywhere (satellite systems, autonomous cars, wearables, cameras and drones) and this shall allow you to know anything that you want, anywhere, anytime.

2. A Trillion-Sensor Economy

The Internet of Everything (IoE) is the name given to networked connections between people, processes, devices and data. It will have more than 100 billion devices by 2025 with each device sporting more than a dozen sensors, all collecting data. This shall result in a trillion-sensor economy where data revolution would be driven at a speed far beyond our imagination. According to Cisco, the IoE shall be generating about $19 trillion of newly created value.

1. A $1,000 Human Brain

For $1,000 in 2025, you will be able to purchase a computer that will be able to carry out calculations at 10^16 cycles per second (10,000 trillion cycles per second) – the equivalent processing speed of human brain.

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