Walking out of his local Lowe’s Home Improvement store, veteran Bobby Woody saw something that made him stop right away. A purple sign placed in a spot indicating that the spot was reserved only for wounded warriors. The simple gesture was enough to melt his heart.
Turns out that it wasn’t just the Lowe’s Home Improvement store, many others are doing the same out of respect for their nation’s servicemen and women. Stores like Home Depot and Sam’s Club also have the specially reserved parking spots for Purple Heart Recipients as a way to show their support for wounded veterans.
Most of the times, the spots are set up by the veterans themselves who are working at these stores to pay homage to their fellow soldiers.
Check out some of the photographs taken of these purple parking spots:
Two spaces in front and two in the back are painted by the Lowe’s employees who were proud to be a part of this initiative:

Both of these employees have served in Marines:

The idea is beginning to spread since all the local buildings have joined in on this project. Plans are to reserve these kinds of spots near public libraries and city halls.

Check out the heart melting video below: