Most of us cannot think of being homeless. The basic thought of it is enough to cause despair and anxiety. Although, it’s a harsh reality for thousands of people around the globe.
In Germany, there were approximately 860,000 homeless people in 2016 based on BAG W (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe e.V —Federal Association of Homeless Aid). This is no manageable number and is a sign of a huge problem.
One company is attempting to change homeless people by creating a windproof and waterproof innovative sleeping pod that the homeless can use free of cost. The company is called Ulmer Nest, and it is situated in the city of Ulm, 75 miles (120 km) west of Munich.

The pods were launched on January 8, 2020, and if they become useful and successful, they could be placed out nationwide. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? These pods are constructed with wood and steel and can sleep up to two people who are not roaming around in the city on their own. Ulmer Nest states that the cabins shield against the cold, wind, and humidity while also giving fresh air.

The pods are designed to protect their users’ privacy by not adding any cameras. Instead, a motion sensor informs social workers when the doors are opened. This lets social workers practice discretion when sanitizing the pod after every use, and if the need arises, come to the help of anyone needing it.
The pods have a radio network that homeless people can utilize to contact the team monitoring the cabins — radio was chosen because of its accessibility advantage in comparison to mobile networks. They also have solar panels to give the heat from a renewable energy source.

Ulmer Nest suggests their pods will protect against frostbite during Germany’s coldest nights and stresses that this project is not a replacement for a stay in a hostel or safe house but actually an alternative and last resort for those who really have no place to go. Here’s to praying that these pods prove their utility soon and find a place for themselves on the street ends around the globe to cause a major relief for the poor.