Ways AI Is Transforming The Construction Industry

Roughly 60% of construction businesses are experimenting with emerging technology, as found in a recent construction report by JB Knowledge. In particular, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to overcome common project challenges and achieve greater results. With AI, construction is being made safer, more efficient, and more productive.

Improving safety

Construction sites pose a number of hazards from moving equipment to dangerous structures. Cranes, in particular, are a major cause of injury: as many as 297 people were killed in crane-related accidents between 2011 and 2017. Due to the frequency of these incidents, specialized crane accident lawyers are trained to focus on helping injured assemblers, workers, or passing pedestrians seek financial compensation for damages. Additionally, AI is improving safety in the construction industry to minimize risk of accidents and injury. For example, sensors on complicated and potentially dangerous equipment can monitor important factors like temperature and engine status and condition. They can analyze data 24/7 in real time, and predict potential delays, problems or malfunctions. As a result, expensive delays and downtime can be avoided.

Transforming building design

AI and generative design is being used to revolutionize traditional computer aided design (CAD) in the construction industry. In the past, 3D designs have typically been generated by humans and documented on the computer. But now, with AI, the computer itself is able to generate numerous design options (potentially over 1000) in keeping with project goals. The designer is then left with the easier task of choosing the best design. As a result, the quality of design significantly improves. With traditional methods, expense and time constraints commonly led designers to choose the easiest and simplest design, and the optimal design was left unexplored. Overall cost and waste is also reduced.

Boosting productivity

AI powered self-driving construction equipment is being used to perform a range of tasks (including, welding, demolition, pouring concrete, and bricklaying). In turn, human workers are freed up, and can instead be put to use on more complex tasks. Ultimately, this boosts productivity and allows for projects to be completed in quicker time. Additionally, project managers can use AI to monitor workers in real time. Onsite cameras and facial recognition, in particular, allow for the constant evaluation of worker performance.

AI is playing a key role in transforming the construction industry. Equipment sensors, generative design, and self-driving equipment are just some of the ways AI is helping to improve safety, efficiency and productivity on construction sites.

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