Humanoid robots made the leap from science fiction to reality so quickly. Companies produce these robots, which can be acquired for various reasons.
Tom Scott, a well-known YouTuber, recently made such a deal when he hired Engineered Arts to develop a humanoid robot that resembled him. The interaction between Tom and his robot doppelgänger has been caught on video, and the internet is astonished over how closely the robot resembles Tom’s looks. Engineered Arts makes several robots, including the Robothespian, Quinn, Mesmer, and Ameca. Tom chose Mesmer.
Tom was astounded by the work’s specific details. To match Tom’s colour and skin texture, the skin was painted with silicone paint. His hair was hand-planted one by one. The many small motors enhanced the bot’s human touch, which precisely imitated Tom’s face motions.

Take a look at the video below:
The video has received enormous popularity since Tom published it. Netizens are stunned and terrified to see Tom and his doppelganger robot in the same frame.
“This is unbelievably creepy but also unbelievably cool.” One user wrote.

“The details of the robot are insane.” One user highlighted the part where Tom interrupts the humanoid robot and instantly shows a shrinking facial expression stating annoyance.
“Tom meeting his robot felt like a twist in a horror movie,” another user wrote.