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Top 7 Factors That Contribute To Road Accidents

Car Crash with police

The next big thing you don’t want to happen when you’re traveling on the road is an accident. Although you could be prepared and super careful while driving, you just can’t be sure you’d be totally away from road accidents. This is because there are also several factors that may contribute to a possible accident on the road. So if you don’t want to get an Owen Wilson nose, read on!

Knowing the factors that contribute to road accidents is one way of anticipating troubles ahead. This way, you could prevent going through road risks that could lead to a life-threatening accident. If you’re driving daily, these are helpful pieces of information that could make your driving experience safer. 

1. Lack Of Road Safety And Road Signs 

Most accidents happen at night because of unclear or lack of road and traffic signs. Sometimes, drivers are unsure which direction to take as there’s no standard to follow, especially on a busy road. Moreover, there is lack of Jersey Barrier at most places, adding to the threat of accidents.

When you’re driving on one of such roads and you’ve met an accident, it’s best to seek legal help whether you’re at fault or not. There are legal experts you can contact to assist you, such as car accident lawyers Fasig and Brooks or those from other trusted law firms.

2. Speeding 

Another factor causing road accidents is speeding. Speeding makes it hard to control your vehicle, especially when you’re driving on a slippery road or dealing with traffic. It’s also likely for you to lose your way when you fail to notice the road signs because you’re driving too fast. In such instances, you may end up making sudden turns, leading to accidents in some cases.

3. Driving Under The Influence Of Alcohol

Drinking after road trips can be exciting, but driving while under the influence of alcohol isn’t advisable at all since it could affect your responsiveness and self-control. The drunker you get, the harder it’d be for your brain cells to function properly, which could result in fatigue, loss of attention span, or blurred vision.

Driving under the influence is a clear violation of law in all states. The penalty is generally up to six months of jail time, plus a 1,000USD fine. The succeeding offenses could even start with 2,000USD and thousands more. Apparently, the reason for this is that driving under the influence puts in danger not only the driver’s life but also the lives of other motorists and pedestrians. So to avoid this kind of trouble, just follow the old driving rule that says ‘don’t drink and drive.’

4. Bad Road And Weather Conditions 

Driving in strong rains may not be advisable since it’s harder to see the road ahead of you, which could cause accidents. There could also be water buildup on the road’s surface, contributing to the danger. Dirt roads with no good drainage systems can cause tires to lose grip, which could lead to accidents. If you need to drive during bad weather conditions, it’s important to always check your tires before hitting the road.   

5. Intersections 

Aside from anticipating the road condition, you should remain extra careful when passing through intersections. In these areas, there are higher chances that pedestrians would cross without looking both ways.  Hence, accidents are likely to happen here if drivers lack proper judgment and anticipation.

6. Vehicle Maintenance Problems 

Always check your vehicle before hitting the road. One of the many causes of road crashes is a malfunctioning engine or flat tire. To avoid this, try to manually and properly check your car before riding. If you’re always using your car, you might want to check your battery, lights, oil, water, air, gas, engine, and tire before starting your vehicle as these need to have your most attention. In addition, you should make sure your vehicle’s safety features, such as your inflatable bags, are properly working.

7. Unsafe Driving Behavior 

Unsafe driving behavior includes conduct that could endanger the lives of other drivers and passengers. It’s typically human error that usually results from a lack of discipline and inappropriate discretion when driving.

Aside from speeding, which was discussed above, there are other examples of unsafe driving behavior you should avoid as a driver. To be more familiar with them, here are some of the most common examples:

Wrapping Up

Road accidents happen for a reason or two. In some cases, the causes are beyond the driver’s control. But in other cases, they could have been prevented with proper preparation. To be more ready as a driver, you should have the discipline, skills, and judgment to correct decision-making when facing road troubles. 

The factors mentioned in this article are just some of the many that contribute to road accidents, but being familiar with them could reduce road risks. If you’re driving daily, bear in mind the insights you’ve learned about road accidents and the factors that could trigger them. In that way, you can drive assured you’re a step away from danger.

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