As you pack your gear to set out on your next camping trip, don’t forget to make your leisure time productive. The latest technological advancements have made it very easy to go off the grid. All you need is to spend a little time in searching for ways that don’t jeopardize the environment when you eat and live outside your home on the camping site.
From solar powered lanterns to the smart cooking gadgets that generate no waste, there are many ways to go green during your next camping excursion.
BioLite BaseLantern
The ingenious design of the BaseLantern by Biolite is an ultimate camping accessory. The rechargeable lithium-ion battery keeps the lamp aglow while the two USB ports can be used to juice up your other gadgets. The smart lantern can also connect with a smartphone via Bluetooth to adjust its intensity and regulate the full spectrum lighting.

Tentsile’s Stingray
The best way to save yourself from the reptiles during a hiking trip is to sleep in a hammock.Tentsile Stingray takes the concept of a hammock to the next level using the Core tent that can accommodate three campers. All it takes is a few tree straps and two poles. The kit weighs 13 pounds, and the whole set up takes only 5 minutes.

BioLite CookStove
CookStove is fitted with a built-in exhaust fan. The USB-rechargeable airflow system of CookStove ensures 30 hours of clean wood cooking. The four fan speed settings can be used to adjust and regulate the flame size, making it suitable for a variety of cooking purposes.

Fontus Airo
It is a magic! Fontus Airo water bottle is equipped with solar cells that are used to power the Peltier Element. The Peltier Element is a cooler comprising of two chambers that encourage condensation. The condensed water droplets are channeled into the bottle. Fontus Airo can produce up to half a liter of clean water in sixty minutes.

Hydro Hammock
This ingenious innovation combines the two ultimate pleasures, lazing around in the hammock and relaxing in a hot tub. The Hydro Hammock is a portable hammock-cum-hot tub that uses LPG or electric heater to keep the water warm.

Solight Solarpuff
Solight Solarpuff is a solar-powered lantern. It is a lightweight and portable solar LED lamp that can transform into a flat quarter-inch thick square, making it easy to pack with your camping gear.

Green camping is not as difficult as you might have guessed. Enjoy while saving your planet!