Tired of your habit of sleeping a lot? Or you’re always late for your class and the meeting as you find it hard to leave the bed in the morning? For either of the case, this one is designed for all the sleeping beauties here!

Norwegian artist, Anton Fageras, has just made pillows carved out from white marble. Seriously, ‘art has no bounds’. We do have been looking at amazing sculptors made out of marble for years. Many of these, have gathered remarkable appreciations as well. The grace and style, have been an attraction for the human eye. The physical characteristics of marble, have been the reason for its widespread use. But the same nature, made Hakon Anton Fagerus think into a new dimension.

“Because of the material qualities of marble itself, it appears fragile. It’s quite fragile, but it’s not that fragile, and yet it appears so because of the translucency and pureness of the stone,” says the artist himself.
And not only the main ingredient, but the entire recipe also makes use of pneumatic hammers and chisels to bring the right crease at the right place. The amazing design is beyond what a normal mind can think of, absolutely making it look like a normal feather-filled pillow. The wrinkles and ability to fold, make us re-think the capabilities marble hold.
The artist considers marble as the most suitable material that can serve the purpose. As marble expresses emotion. Further, he adds, “I think that my main focus is to create an atmosphere, a sensation, more than a literal representation of something that expresses, for instance, fragility.”

Basically, Fageras embodies the uniqueness and elegance marble hold by giving it the shape of a pillow.
So, are you excited to give a marble pillow a shot? Or you think they’ll give you sleepless nights? They might help you run out of your bed due to the uneasiness, and be the first one in the office tomorrow morning!
Well, to get a better insight into this piece of creativity, do visit the Instagram page of this talented person, Fagerås’s marble masterpieces. [h/t]