These Bad Designs Will Make You Question The Common Sense Of The Designers

bad designs of things

Every designer does his/her best to create something which can amaze everyone. However, some designers will surprise you with their creativity which lacked common sense. Here is a list of some of those bad designs which lacked common sense and sensible ideas.

Keep to the center, if may fall if weight increases on either side.

That’s not how you wish someone their birthday!

It was better before!

Every penny counts! Literally.

This is how you should never align an automatic paper machine and an automatic tap.

D7 or E2?

Dare to find your room!

No this is not a staircase.

It was so hot that it melted itself.

Read me if you can.

Now and then, someone standing doing their business here will be giving someone else way to go to that corner.

This is how you make speakers Logitech.

This $490 swimsuit is NOT for swimming.

They tried to make it wheelchair accessible though.

Or you can look closer and find the answer in the box too.

The company put the ring on the plastic film. Not the other way.

The ‘vegetarian’ muffin though.

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