Tesla has always been a pioneer in bringing innovative solutions to the problems that are faced by people. The company has set precedents of excellence and efficiency in the industry for its contemporaries. The recent endeavor of the company is also going to make it the first of its kind in the sector.
The company has submitted an application with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Tesla aims to supply direct electricity to the places where customers need it. The plan will commence by installing a large battery in the area of Tesla in Angleton, Texas (near Houston). This battery will provide 100 Megawatts of power to the grid. This was reported in Texas Monthly. In addition, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tesla called Tesla Energy Ventures is the entity that filed this application.
A recent cold snap in Texas caused the power supply to cut off to the entire area. Later, it was revealed that this whole incident had occurred because state lawmakers and regulators, including the Public Utilities Commission and the Texas Railroad Commission, had been lenient on maintenance policies of the grid for Texas. Such incidents of cut-off were becoming more frequent earlier and the experts had suggested weatherproofing facilities and turbines used to generate power with proper insulation and heaters. However, nothing was done to provide these.

A CNBC report suggested that Tesla was only growing, and its profits margins were expanding as well. In 2020’s second quarter, it made $104 million of net profit. Hence, accompany associated with Tesla will be providing responsible and profitable services to the area. The time will tell what will happen for sure but the discourse about this battery installation is going on at present.