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Starlink Users Are More Satisfied Than Those on Faster Fiber Networks

According to a recent survey from Massachusetts-based Recon Analytics, Starlink users report higher satisfaction than those using faster fiber networks. Despite fiber offering superior speeds of 1Gbps or more, Starlink’s satellite internet is receiving top marks for overall experience and recommendation, especially in rural areas where broadband options are limited.

Roger Entner, founder of Recon Analytics, has been tracking Starlink for over two years. However, it’s only recently, with Starlink’s US subscriber base growing to over 1.4 million, that they’ve been able to survey a sufficient sample. The survey collected data from approximately 1,300 Starlink users, revealing a significant +42 recommendation score for the satellite service, higher than fiber, fixed wireless access, cable, and DSL providers.

Entner attributes this satisfaction to Starlink offering internet access where it was previously poor or unavailable. About 85% of Starlink users surveyed reside in rural areas, with many experiencing limited to no broadband options prior to Starlink. In contrast, fiber users, who pay anywhere from $60 to over $100 per month for high-speed service, tend to be less enthusiastic, likely due to high costs despite technically superior service.

While Starlink excels in providing a reliable connection for video streaming and general internet use, its customer service and billing support garnered less favorable reviews. Users also expressed dissatisfaction with how Starlink is sold through big box retailers like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy, noting the poor training and motivation of sales staff, a problem also seen with other ISPs.

Despite these shortcomings, Starlink’s appeal, particularly in rural areas, is clear. Many users have never had home internet before, and for them, Starlink represents a leap from “misery” to connectivity. As Entner noted, “People are putting a much higher standard on fiber,” but Starlink’s innovation continues to win hearts in underserved regions.

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