As a child, everyone hates the “chore” of brushing teeth, mainly because the rebellious and obstinate kid inside them just doesn’t want to listen to anyone who tells them what to do. Therefore, the toothbrushes are made all glossy, colorful and stylish to capture the attention of kids, and the pattern is continued for the adults as well. Sometimes these brushes are so attractive that you simply don’t want to throw them out even when they are no longer effective for brushing. And today’s DIY trick will allow you to keep your favorite toothbrushes strapped around your arms at all times!

Katrinaosity YouTube channel always comes up with the best DIY projects, but this one probably takes the cake. The host Katrina elaborates a very easy yet, brilliant experiment which allows us to turn those fancy toothbrushes into impressive arm bracelets! All you need are some old toothbrushes, needle nose pliers and a pot full of boiling water.

After plucking out the bristles of the brush using the pliers, you simply need to put the plastic part into the boiling water for not more than 15 seconds. Please do take care when dealing with all the heat, and preferably use some protective gloves or wrap a cloth around your hands. After 15 seconds, simply take the brushes out using tongs and bend them while they are all wobbly and fluid as per your wrist’s dimensions.

You can also twist them and give your homemade bracelets all sorts of cool shapes! Add glitter and other accessories, and you have your customized bracelets!

Please check out the full video below for additional tricks and tips from Katrina!
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