Climate change has been causing imminent concerns over the past few years. In a recent report published by the NZ SeaRise program, it has been disclosed that sea levels in New Zealand are rising at a considerable rate. Some noticeable locations, including Auckland, Wellington, and Nelson, are standing on the verge of being adhered to the greatest challenge. The situation is worrisome as sea levels are rising at twice the rate expected by the authorities. Buildings and homes are at risk, and the data shows that there would be at least a 50% rise in sea level in the city’s town center. According to the government, planning and budgeting policies are being developed to adapt to sea-level rise in the long run. The prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, told Radio New Zealand, “The first port of call isn’t necessarily a managed retreat because there is a range of options that can be used.” We’re working alongside local government and insurers to work through who bears the costs of some of these options. The cost that needs to be borne won’t fall on just one party. “

The underlying cause of the rise in sea level is global warming, which is resulting in the frequent melting of glaciers, including the dissolution of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. As per the information received from the NZ SeaRise program, the situation is a bit terrifying because the climatic conditions that are prevailing now were not expected to reach this threshold until 2026. The intensity of this state can be seen from this forecast that the capital will encounter a rise of 30cm in sea level within just 18 years, and that is a substantial threat. In an interview, Tim Nazish, the co-leader of the NZ SeaRise program, said, “We have less time to act than we thought. The city council and the port authority are all going to have to start looking closely in terms of their future activities at this new information. “
On the other hand, there would be around a 30% to 50% faster increase in sea level rise in Auckland, as per the reports. The most vulnerable area to flooding is the suburb of Richmond, which is sinking at a rate of 5mm per year. Thus, amidst of all these prevailing concerns, the program has created an online tool for citizens to assess the risk of flooding and erosion in their nearby areas, so that they can take timely action and be protected from any unforeseen situation.