Gadgets These Smart Gloves Will Change How We Interact With Our Environment The EngineerNovember 14, 20130 As we have already mentioned in our other articles, gadgets and new inventions/methods owe a great deal to the...
Military Tech Life Of A Sniper In Pictures The EngineerNovember 14, 20135 Snipers form the backbone of any Army and that is why they go through very hard training and need to be capable of...
Amazing 25 Awkward Situations Every Engineering Student Has to Face AdminNovember 13, 201310 Life of an engineering student is full of challenges and fun. The four years of undergrad degree leaves you with a lot...
Gadgets This Concept Design for iPhone 6 Looks Awesome The EngineerNovember 13, 20136 We all know how secretive Apple is when it comes to new designs and concepts. It is really hard to say anything about...
Cars Bikes Here Is The Muscle Car Engine Showdown From Around The World AdminNovember 13, 20133 Muscle cars have been around for almost half a century with Rocket V8 being the world's first true muscle car released...
Gadgets A Solar Powered Phone Charger That Sticks To Any Window Uber GeekNovember 13, 20132 Solar energy isn't really the newest or latest technology, but using it to charge your phone is a new concept. You may...
Cars Bikes Mercedes V-12 Engine Made From Hand-Made Components Uber GeekNovember 12, 20131 Artist Eric van Hove has been very busy with his recent project. He has taken apart a V12 Mercedes engine and had the...
Cars Bikes Volvo Designs A New Battery That Is Embedded In Car’s Body Panels Uber GeekNovember 12, 20130 In today's fast-paced world, storing energy in new and improved ways has become almost a necessity. Feasible energy...
Architecture Amazing Submersible Bridges In Greece The EngineerNovember 12, 20130 The Corinth Canal joins the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea while cutting through the narrow...
Amazing 10 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Meaning Uber GeekNovember 11, 2013153 Nowadays there are so many companies with instantly recognizable logos, but few people actually know the meaning behind...