Gadgets Mini USB Humidifier Is The Coolest Office Gadget You Will See The EngineerFebruary 22, 20140 We all crave for gadgets which are stylish and work without much effort. Summers will soon be upon us and we all know...
Technology Most Watched Engineering Videos Of This Week (22 Feb 2014) AdminFebruary 22, 20140 Here are some of the most watched engineering videos of this week ending 22 Feb 2014. The videos are not in any...
Top 10 Top 10 World’s Most Dangerous Aircraft Runways Uber GeekFebruary 21, 20144 Flying a plane is a challenging enough task, but landing it on one of these runways will certainly have even the most...
DIY Projects Guy Invents A Quad-Copter That Can Launch Rockets While Airborne The EngineerFebruary 21, 20140 What do you do when you have enough time and a hobby which involves engineering? Well obviously, you experiment and...
Technology Artificial Bones Could Be Used To Build Spaceships In The Future Uber GeekFebruary 21, 20140 One of the conundrums that has been plaguing the minds of engineers for centuries is how to make a low density material...
Amazing Software Calculates Average Women Faces In Different Countries. Here is How They Look AdminFebruary 21, 201411 Researchers at University of Glasgow have created an online tool that collects thousands of photos from women of...
Gadgets Planetarium Watch Costs 245,000 USD And Mimics The Solar System To Tell You The Time The EngineerFebruary 21, 20140 We have been talking about smartphones, smart watches and what not. Quite recently we talked about a conceptual design...
Gadgets This New Gadget Makes Your Candles Last Almost Forever The EngineerFebruary 20, 20140 In life, the only certain thing is death. Be it human or non-human, we know everything deceases. However, when it comes...
Amazing Engineer Turned Down For Job By Facebook Sells His App To Facebook For 19 Billion Dollars Today The EngineerFebruary 20, 20141 Changing jobs is a hectic thing to do. It becomes more frustrating as time progresses and you realize that not many...
Robotics UAE Government To Use Drones To Deliver Documents To The Public Uber GeekFebruary 20, 20143 With many countries developing drone technology for military use, United Arab Emirates is working on ways to use the...