Top 10 10 Reinvented Daily Use Items That Are Now Better The EngineerJune 14, 20140 Science and technology are shaping the world around us at quite a fast pace. We see new gadgets and designs coming up...
Gadgets Urban Wind Turbine Has Been Reinvented With This New Design The EngineerJune 14, 20143 We have been witnessing a paradigm shift in energy sources and nowadays, alternate sources of energy are being...
Technology New Technology Allows You To Pair Your Rifle To Google Glass and Shoot Around Corners The EngineerJune 14, 20140 We remember a smart aiming rifle that was introduced by Trackingpoint in not so distant past and was capable of aiming...
Gadgets Coca Cola Introduces A Cooler That Doesn’t Need Electricity To Chill Your Drink The EngineerJune 13, 20141 Welcome to Colombia where in the town of Aipir, the temperature averages in at 45ºC. One would believe that to survive...
What Is What Is Vehicle Engineering? The EngineerJune 13, 20140 Vehicle engineering deals with the knowledge and techniques that is applied in vehicle industry, primarily, the...
Gadgets Mozilla Is Introducing $25 Smartphone In India And Indonesia The EngineerJune 13, 20140 Earlier this year, Mozilla released comparatively cheaper phones in Europe, priced at $99 and now if the rumors that...
DIY Projects Make Your AC New Again With These 6 Easy Steps The EngineerJune 12, 20141 Summers are upon us and if you have not started already, you will soon be thanking the inventor of AC who saves you...
Technology Eugene Becomes The World’s First Computer To Pass The Turing Test The EngineerJune 12, 20140 Let’s start off this article with what is Turing Test and what is its importance. The test was devised by...
Architecture Hungarians Construct The World’s Tallest Lego Structure With 500,000 Lego Bricks The EngineerJune 12, 20140 What do you do when you have over 500,000 LEGO bricks lying around? You make a tower out of it! What are we talking...
Technology Microsoft Unveils Skype Translator That Translates Different Languages In Real Time Conversations The EngineerJune 12, 20140 Microsoft recently unveiled its new Skype Translator! As the name suggests, it’s an application for Skype’s chat...