Wind Catcher, a 1,000 ft frame integrated with numerous rotors is set to meet the rising energy demands, at costs lower than ever before.
Wind Catching Systems, a company based in Norway has unveiled the concept of a 1,000-ft-tall wind turbine and is calling it “Wind Catcher.” As per the Greentech company, the new array of small wind turbines combined in a huge frame would be good enough to meet the rising energy demands and would be sufficient enough to power about 80,000 homes.
In a comparative analysis, the Norwegian-based company said that its new system would be five times more effective in producing energy than the world’s largest standalone wind turbine. This isn’t the only catch of the new Wind Catcher, as per the company, their new renewable energy source would be able to provide as an alternative to traditional grid-supplied electricity.
The innovation in wind turbines, the Wind Catcher comprises of a large metal frame with over 100 small turbines connected into place. Moreover, it is a floating design and would work to generate massive amounts of electricity even with wind speeds at around 25 mph. The floating design of the “Wind Catcher” takes its inspiration from the practices of the oil and gas industry for their offshore platforms.

The design if goes successful would provide a solution to make the most out of those windy days with having to place lesser individual wind turbines, allowing to produce more electricity with lesser installations. The conventional setups tend to need to pitch their blades at higher wind speeds, which means that the new system would provide a 500 percent boost in annual energy output in absence of such needs.

The conventional large wind turbine shipping to the installation site has had been a hassle with more cost. Whereas, beating the conventional design wind turbines is the new one with numerous small turbines connected in one frame, which is easier to manufacture, install and maintain. Moreover, the renewable energy company from Norway stated, “once the system would be deployed, making it reach its functional capacity wouldn’t require large cranes or vessels, making that the effective system is more convenient in its use.”
The life expectancy of the new system is about two decades more than the conventional large wind turbines, which become inoperational after coming in handy to produce electricity for about 30 years, in comparison, the Wind Catcher would be good to go for about 50 years. Moreover, the system’s LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) would either match the price of the power grid or would beat it with a handsome margin.
No more details on the system have been made public up until now, however, it sure sounds like some decent development in shifting the world towards renewable energy sources.