This mirror can be hung on walls much like ordinary mirrors but unlike ordinary mirrors, they come with a built-in camera, a smart material equipped with companion software. Moreover, unlike a regular mirror, the price is currently standing at a staggering $2000-$3000 (USD).
The face is captured by facial recognition technology and sends a signal to the surface of the mirror to change whenever a smile is detected. The idea came to the mind of a Turkish industrial designer Berk Ilhan, after witnessing a close family member fighting brutalities of cancer. This prompted him to focus on creating products that would benefit cancer patients directly or indirectly.

According to research, smiling, even when forced, makes us feel better and can be connected to the improved immune system. This is the concept behind the device that can help patients grow healthy cells and heal faster.
The mirror is currently produced is reduced quantities at the price of $2000-$3000 (USD). Ilhan, however, plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign to raise enough funds to bring the price down to $500 (USD). Once the finances allow him, Ilhan also intends to donate his mirrors to the hospitals.
However, there are some who are not well receiving the newly created healing-mirror, calling to exploitative owing to its unbelievably high price. What do you think about the magical healing mirror? Let us know in the comments, meanwhile also watch the video for more details: