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GoPro Announces Its Most Powerful Action Cam: The Hero 4

GoPro Releasing Hero 4 6

GoPro has recently announced the next three models in the Hero actioncam line that it manufactures. The model has been named as Hero 4 and this one brings 4K recording at 30 frames/second to the scene.GoPro Releasing Hero 4 5

Hero 3 Black Edition owners must be aware by now that reduced fps results in irregular videos. The Hero 4 Black Edition solves that issue and will allow the users to make use of 4K recording without compromising on video quality. Reportedly, this latest gadget will allow capturing in Ultra-High Definition, and that too with smooth motion. It can also record at 2.7K resolution video with an fps of 50 and 1080p at 120 fps. The 120 fps shall also support awesome recording modes and allow for slow-motion movies.

The latest edition to Hero family will also offer enhanced sound quality and double the dynamic range of its predecessors. The photo capturing options have not seen much changes from the previous edition. Hero 4 Black can capture images up to 12 MP while sporting a burst fire mode that allows shooting at 30 photos per second. Improvements, although little as they may sound, have been made to the night capture mode while also upgrading the nature of time-lapse photos.

As far as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth go, GoPro promises that users shall be experiencing speed improvement by 50% as compared to the previous models, resulting in better connectivity with smartphones. The next boost that this latest edition comes with is HiLight Tag, which will let users highlight a moment in the video on the fly. When back in editing room, users shall be able to return to any desired point and find the specific moment without breaking a sweat. The manual recording has been improved as well, allowing the users to adjust color, sharpness, exposure, ISO limit and some other features.

The Silver model is an affordable version of Hero 4 Black but it won’t come with the 4K/30fps, 2.7K/50fps and 1080p/120fps modes. It will include an added touchscreen display which will allow users to see and frame shots more easily. Another budget model will be released as well and it is being called just Hero. It won’t have the high frame rates and resolution features, however, it will be able to record in 1080p at 30 fps or 720p at 60fps.

All of the above models were scheduled to be released on 5th October. The latest Black model shall come with a price of $499 while the Silver will sale for $399. The new budget model shall launch with a price tag of $129.

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