Elon Musk’s Giant New X Sign Has Been Removed From San Francisco

A flashy and annoying ‘X’ sign that recently appeared atop what was formerly known as Twitter HQ in San Francisco has been removed after just a few days, following numerous complaints from frustrated residents. The sign, which caused bright and obnoxious light to filter into neighboring apartments, sparked outrage among locals who were now forced to deal with the intrusive glow.

The controversy began when the sign was erected earlier in the week, catching the attention of residents living across the street. Venting their frustration on social media, one Twitter user wrote, “Imagine this f***ing X sign right across from your bedroom,” highlighting the severity of the situation. Christopher Beale, a journalist residing in the building opposite the sign, chimed in, saying, “Imagine no more. This is my life now.”

The complaints quickly piled up, and the City of San Francisco took notice, launching an investigation into the matter. Replacing letters or symbols on buildings, especially when they involve erecting signs, generally requires a permit, a detail that remains unclear in this situation.

San Francisco officials emphasized that permits are necessary for design and safety purposes. The contentious sign appeared after San Francisco police prevented workers from removing the former iconic blue bird logo of the company without taking proper precautions to ensure pedestrian safety.

The Department of Building Inspection stated that they opened a complaint and initiated the investigation as soon as they were made aware of the situation.

Within just a few short days, the sign was taken down, but the reason behind its removal remains unclear. Video footage captured crews dismantling the ‘X’ logo, putting an end to the divisive spectacle.

The incident added to the ongoing controversies surrounding X mogul Elon Musk and his companies. Musk’s acquisition of Twitter for $44 billion in the past and subsequent rebranding of the company as X Corp has been met with mixed responses. The quirky and beloved blue bird logo was replaced with the less endearing and more sinister-looking letter ‘X,’ contributing to the public’s skepticism about the changes.

As the X sign comes down, many are left wondering about the future plans for the former Twitter HQ building. With the sign now removed, residents can finally get some relief from the obnoxious light, and the once-iconic Twitter headquarters can undergo its next transformation in the ever-evolving city of San Francisco.

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