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Download Pakistan Wallpapers With Complete Pakistani Culture and Historical Background

What mostly be seen on Pakistan wallpapers are images of the mosque. As an Islamic republic, Pakistan has a lot of mosques with magnificent architecture such as Badshahi Mosque, Faisal Mosque, Wazir Khan Mosque, and Moti Masjid. Due to its pre-independence history, this country is influenced by Indian culture and ethnic. The national language of Pakistan is Urdu and English. Populated by over one hundred and eighty million people, Pakistan has the highest population growth rate.

Mohenjo-daro is one of the most visited sites in Pakistan. Literally meaning Mound of the Dead, this is an archeological site. Located in the province of Sindh, Mohenjo-Daro is the remains and ruins of ancient Indus Valley Civilization. This site was rediscovered in 1922. It is one of many cultural heritages that can be found in Pakistan. A UNESCO World Heritage Site is worth to be one of the famous Pakistan wallpapers. Besides this site, Pakistan also has some historical sites worth to visit, such as Lahore Fort.

Pakistani cuisine is mostly a variety of meat dishes. And as most of Asian cuisine, it is enriched by large quantities of seasoning, herbs, and spices, especially ginger, red chili, garlic, turmeric, and curry. The dish usually served with Chapati;, a thin flat bread, or rice (either seasoned or plain). This is a result of Pakistan’s British and Middle Eastern heritage. Another British culture in Pakistan tradition is Doodh Patti. It is black tea with milk and sugar. It is derived from British as we all know that ancient British people were all avid tea drinkers.

For most of the Muslim countries, Pakistan is one of the most popular education destinations. The country provides a good education at an affordable cost. One of them is Islamiyah College University in Peshawar. Collaborating with Cambridge International Examinations of the United Kingdom, Pakistan has developed an education program for graduate and postgraduate level. Check out this collection of super cool Pakistan wallpapers and let us know your favourite.

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