CIMON The Robot Makes Its Debut At ISS And Tells Astronauts To ‘Be Nice’

cimon and gerst robot conversed at ISS

Recently, three new astronauts decided to travel to the ISS. Meanwhile, the present crew at the space station is enjoying new robots. Alexander Gerst, an astronaut at the space station was shown in a video interacting with the robot. CIMON is a 3D printed, plastic sphere, which is designed to test the human-machine interaction in space. Airbus built it in Friedrichshafen and Bremen, Germany. The robot is embedded with artificial intelligence software provided by IBM Watson.

CIMON and Gerst conversed with each other and talked about a science experiment and also played Gret’s favorite songs. CIMON the robot seemed to love the music mode. It kept playing the tracks even when he was told not to do so. This was the point when CIMON told Gerst to ‘Be nice please.’ Later on, he flew from his place and asked Gerst “Don’t you like it here with me?” He also told Grest to stop being mean and stop telling him to eat something since he can hear his stomach roaring. Gerst and another fellow astronaut, Aunon Chancellor, were happy with the demonstration. The developers of the robot will continue to work on ESA on robotic assistants and AI in space.

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