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Can You Solve This Math Problem That Has Baffled Aussie High School Students?

Many times students come across a particularly clever Maths question in their exams and most of them get it wrong. Soon enough, the examiner and the question become a topic of debate among the masses. I am sure this happened many times in the past and now the subject is here to haunt the poor students again as an Australian high school paper presented a problem that seems simple enough, but became a source of debate around the internet. Here is the question:

Although we engineers can solve this problem in an instant, it is funny to see how dumb the rest of the world is, especially non-technical people. Hell, I could do this problem back in my junior high school and people can’t even do it now. If most of the students can’t pass this maths test than they shouldn’t be clearing high school at all.

One student allegedly posted ” F@#@ you 50 cent. I never liked your music anyway”. Naturally many people have taken to twitter to slam students who couldn’t do it, raising questions about the effectiveness of our education system.

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