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Bus Stops Redesigned

Redesigned Bus Stop

Not many know about the small Austrian market town of Krumbach. It is a humble town with not much to attract tourists. Recently, however, the town has gained popularity due to the presence of seven architects who were invited to present their own modern takes on the conventional bus stop.

Architects from China, Japan, Russia, Spain, Norway, Belgium and Chile were invited by the local association of “kultur kumbrach”. The designs by seven architects were curated under the banner called Bus:Stop by Austrian architect Dietmar Steiner. The seven structures vary from practical and useful structures to aesthetic sculptures. Chilean architect Smiljan Radic, Japan’s Sou Fujimoto, Belgium’s dvvt, Russia’s Alexander Brodsky, Spain’s Ensamble Studio, Norway’s Rintala Eggertsson, and China’s Wang Shu all submitted 1:7.5 scale models and graphic visualizations of their designs.

Smiljan Radic’s design has already been built, but it is unclear whether the remaining concepts will be realized. Pictures of all the design’s are shown below.

Sou Fujimoto’s design

The model submission from Sou Fujimito (Photo: Adolf Bereuter)

Sou Fujimito's bus stop design is perhaps the most abstract

Smiljan Radic’s design

The model submission of Smiljan Radic (Photo: Adolf Bereuter)

Rintala Eggertsson’s design

dvvt’s design

Ensamble Studio’s design

Alexander Brodsky’s design

Wang Shu’s design

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