Technology This Microcircuit Can Control Any Cockroach While Its Alive Aniqa AjmalSeptember 9, 20180 If a cockroach were running in the kitchen, we would freak out and get the exterminator spray in a minute. However,...
Amazing This Is How Installing Solar Panels In The Sahara Can Make It Rain More Aniqa AjmalSeptember 9, 20180 Renewable energy sources like wind turbines and solar farms are being considered to prevent changes to the environment....
Cars Bikes Toyota Has Recalled 1 Million Hybrid Cars Because They Were At Risk Of Catching Fire Aniqa AjmalSeptember 9, 20180 Toyota has recalled more than one million hybrid cars because there was a risk of fire. This Japanese car...
News Airport Bins Have More Germs Than Your Toilet Seat Aniqa AjmalSeptember 9, 20180 There is another news to threaten people who are going to airports, your security bins. A study found that airport...
Technology This Smart Salt Lamp Will Improve Your Sleep And Mood Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 Relaxing gets hard at times no matter how much you try or how much time you devote to decrease your stress and improve...
Technology Water Might Be Widespread Under The Moon Surface, Says NASA Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 Lunar missions that went to the moon recently have answers to the famous question that whether or not there is water on...
Technology New Solar Cell Can Capture Energy From Sunlight And Falling Raindrops Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 No wonder solar energy is very useful but it has one major drawback which is its inability to function during cloudy...
News Amazon Is Now The World’s Second Company Which Is Worth $1 Trillion Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 The US-based e-commerce giant has become the world's second largest company to reach the $1 trillion mark. Apple was...
Amazing Confused About What 4th Dimension Is? This Video Explains The Basics Of 4D Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 No matter how smart you are, you will be confused by 4D. The advanced dimension which encompasses time can be hard for...
Amazing With These 33 Hacks, You Can Get The Most Out Of Google Maps Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 Google Maps was released almost a decade ago and it has become a huge and instant success. Google further enhanced the...
BioMedical Internal Bleeding Can Now Be Stopped By Using Nanoparticles Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 Thousands of people lose their life as a result of internal bleeding each year. The data collected since 1997 showed...
Amazing Japanese Artist Creates Realistic Replicas of Firearms Out Of Wood Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 A Japanese sophomore in high school has been creating very impressive full-scale replicas of military firearms. The...
BioMedical New Handheld Skin Printer Can Work On Places Where Skin Grafts Fail Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 Four years ago a team of researchers created a microwave-oven sized 3D printer which was able to produce sheets of skin...
Technology Scientists Develop 5 Times More Efficient Thermoelectric Material Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 Thermoelectricity is also called the Peltier-Seeback effect. It is a two-way process which consists of the direct...
Amazing This Smartphone Shaped Device Is Actually A Handgun Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20181 A new handgun produced in the USA is shaped to look like a smartphone. Gun laws in America have been under a very tough...
Technology Ocean Cleanup Project’s First Test Carried Out In The Pacific Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 The Ocean Cleanup project has been busy with trials to check its performance since they moved into an old naval base....
Cars Bikes Vehicles In California Will Soon Have Digital License Plates Aniqa AjmalSeptember 7, 20180 California has started trials of digital license plates as a part of a project which will allow drivers to add a custom...
News India Will Soon Start Producing iPhone 6S Locally Aniqa AjmalSeptember 6, 20180 India has progressed a lot in the technology and software category in the last few years. India's current government...
Amazing This Is Why Rolex Watches Are So Expensive Aniqa AjmalSeptember 6, 20180 For most people around the world, Rolex is the first word that comes to mind, when asked about their dream wristwatch....
Amazing These 5 Inventions By Kids Have Made The World A Better Place Aniqa AjmalSeptember 6, 20180 Kids are known to be creative and inventive. From their imaginations and creative ideas, they have learned and...