It has been almost two years since the onset of covid-19 and even though the vaccine is now being distributed to the masses all over the globe, the spread and the virus are still not checked. The intensity of the virus may be reduced by now, but the spread is prevalent, and people need to be careful in socializing or meeting people without following proper Standards of Procedure (SOPSs).
If you have been outside in restaurants, malls, shops, or indoor settings specifically, you must have gotten your temperature checked at the entrance by the staff. This is done by a thermometer that checks your temperature from your wrist or the back of your hand. Also, there is another one that is used to determine the temperature of the body from the forehead.

Recently, the health department of Abu Dhabi has approved another method of detecting the virus in people. This method is that of scanning faces for detection of virus from the temperature of the body. Thus, technological innovation is called EDE scanner and has undergone trials in Emirates at the Ghantout entrance and at Musaffah area.
The success rate of the scanner is recorded as 90.3 percent for detecting the covid positive patients and around 83 percent in finding out the people without the virus. Its results are based on the detection of RNA of the virus which gives out results at the spot. People who are detected to be positive are not allowed to enter the place. They are sent to get a PCR test done for confirmation of the virus and is sent for isolation for the next 24 hours till the results come out.

Abu Dhabi is adamant to make the space COVID-free and separating the infected individuals from the rest of the community for controlled spread of the virus. The health ministry is adopting multiple procedures to ensure the virus is transmitted as least as possible. Until the pandemic ends, these devices will play a vital role in checking its transmission.