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25 Coolest Gadgets That Every Kitchen Should Have

While we yearn for practical kitchen gadgets, our hearts also ache for aesthetics when it comes to gadgets. We have compiled a list of 25 such gadgets that are practical and yet compete in aesthetics as well. Check it out and let us know what you think of it.

25. Magnetic hourglassAmazing And Practical Gadgets For You 25

You can get one here

24. Tablet-holding cutting boardAmazing And Practical Gadgets For You 24

You can get one here

23. Shower squidsAmazing And Practical Gadgets For You 23

You can get one here

22. Panda teapot

Amazing And Practical Gadgets For You 22

You can get one here

21. Squirrely steeper

You can get one here

20. Hedgehog dryer balls

You can get one here

19. Laboratory shot glasses

You can get one here

18. Geode coasters

You can get one here

17. Tree measuring cups

You can get one here

16. Flask bangle

You can get one here

15. Mousy cheese board

You can get one here

14. Narwhal skewers

You can get one here

13. Nessie ladle

You can get one here

12. Rainmaker

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11. Oliver the elephant

You can get one here

10. Toothpick whale

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9. Robot nutcrackers

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8. Pirate corkscrew

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7. Egg-separating pig

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6. The cyclist’s pizza cutter

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5. Owl-shaped tape dispenser

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4. Moon nightlight

You can get one here

3. Melting clock

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2. Laboratory organizer

You can get one here

1. Acrobatic clothespins

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