The Canadian government launched a project back in 1992 to lay out a vast network of hiking and cycling trails across the country. The car-free trail is slated for opening in 2017.

More than 20,000 kilometres (12906 miles) car-free tracks have thus far been connected as a part of this project. Interestingly, 26 percent of these trails are on the water. The official site of The Great Trail claims that nearly 80 percent of the Canadians reside within 30 minutes of the trail.

On its completion, The Great Trail will also be the world’s largest recreational track. The ambitious project starts off in Kilometre Zero, Newfoundland and travels west towards the British Columbia across the great white north.

More than two decades in the making, The Great Trail will be 14913-miles-long on its completion. Apart from cycling, the world’s longest car-free trail will offer a variety of other activities to keep the Canadians entertained like paddling, horse riding, snowmobiling, hiking, and cross-country skiing. The travellers along The Great Trail will also get to enjoy the pristine beauty of the varying landscapes across Canada.

The official website explains the management and administration of The Trans-Canada Trail:
“Trail sections are owned, operated and maintained by local organizations, provincial authorities, national agencies and municipalities across Canada. Trans Canada Trail is represented by provincial and territorial organizations that is responsible for championing the cause of the Trail in their region. These provincial and territorial partners, together with local trail-building organizations, are an integral part of Trans Canada Trail and are the driving force behind its development.”

The Great Trail is nothing like the bicycle superhighways rapidly gaining popularity in Europe. In fact, The Great Trail might be a trendsetter in days to come!