Imagine a scenario where in the thirst for change, you decide to revamp your cubicle or work space, you add a new fuzzy and classy white rug to the otherwise plain concrete floor. You add a few stickers in your cubicle inspired by BuzzFeed. You buy a cute new mouse pad from the thrift shop which you are certain that no body else has because it is the most hipster mouse pad ever. You add a mini coffee machine to your desk and add very cool gadgets. You still feel like something is missing. And then it dawns upon you that you absolutely forgot about changing your desktop background, wallpaper and screensaver. And then begins your journey to find and download the best wallpaper ever.
Wallpaper downloads can be carried out easily if you know what kind of wallpaper you are looking for, simply with the help of google or other such search engines. Downloading wallpapers may be looked upon by people as a very irritating and inconvenient thing to do, but that’s just a perspective of the weak and lazy. True adventure lies in the journey of making things happen with your own God gifted tools.
Now while most of us might think that downloading wallpapers is the easiest thing ever, some wallpaper and display enthusiasts might agree to the fact that it can sometimes prove to be the hardest task of all time. Because finding suitable wallpapers in the right orientation and resolution requires some work. As the intellectual and amazing, Orson Welles once said, “Create your own visual style… Let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.”
The most basic place to download wallpapers is the online Microsoft website with hundreds and thousands of wallpapers on it. These usually have nature inspired wallpapers, which are free wallpapers. These comprise of images of gardens, animals, birds, flowers, hillsides and artistic representations of zodiac beliefs, that store is a place where desktop wallpapers come in all types, for all kind of people. There are some brightly colored options and some lighter and pastel options. Some people might want to go for black while others would want a pearl white chic bohemian background.
You can download wallpapers from other places such as Tumblr and deviantArt as well. Since you might want an image of Fifth Harmony, the best girl band ever or even Pentatonix, an image of the growing A Capella band. The internet has a number of free wallpapers to choose from. From celebrities to Nature Wallpapers. From flowers to furry and cute animals. From beautiful live wallpapers in motion to dynamic and edgy still pictures that leave your mind in chaos. Wallpapers are generally having no boundaries. If you are too lazy to make adjustments, you could simply just go on a website that offers wallpaper downloading directly and this option is even better since they have the downloading button and already offer downloading in the best possible resolution and orientation respectively for different devices!