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10 Best DIY Oscilloscope Kits

What are best DIY Oscilloscope Kits?

Certain number hobbyist and engineering enthusiast find pleasure in making their own stuff. Oscilloscope is a fundamental device for every electronics engineer as well, so it has many DIY kits on the market. So check out this list of 10 best oscilloscope kits and let us know your favourite oscilloscope kit in the comments section below.

Huhushop(TM) ARM DSO201 (66$)

Huhushop(TM) ARM DSO201 as DIY Oscilloscope Kits

This DIY kit has all the basic parts needed to make a small pocket sized digital oscilloscope. Though when you are done, the final oscilloscope would be a very rudimentary one. As a negative point though, analog bandwidth would not be more than 100Khz. Still a great fun to make it.
You can get one here

JYE DSO 138 DIY KIT Open Source(34$)

JYE DSO 138 DIY KIT Open Source

Analog bandwidth of this kit is more than 200KHz, with sensitivity ranging from 10mV/Div to 5V/div. DIY  kit comes with an easy to read manual, so it takes minimal time make an oscilloscope.
You can get one here

Focalwanna DIY Digital Oscilloscope (37$)

Focalwanna DIY

 The kit has maximum real-time sampling rate at 1Msps, sampling buffer depth of 1024 bytes, analog bandwidth between 0 – 200KHz. It has HOLD and negative delay functionality as well.
You can get one here

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Generic DIY Oscilloscope Kit(90$)

the Maximum equivalent sample rate of 20MSa / s which very impressive.  Adjustable sampling buffer depth at : 256, 512 & 1024 bytes. Analog bandwidth of 0- 3MHz.
You can get one here

DIY Digital Oscilloscope Kit Electronic Learning Kit DSO138 (27$)

Specs for this are almost the same as some of the other ones. This kit requires you to solder over 20 surface mounted devices with a very thin soldering gun, for some, this might be very cumbersome as it requires an expert hand.
You can get one here

TFT Digital Display Screen 1Msps ARM Oscilloscope Kit(30$)

This is comparatively an affordable kit at 30$. The bandwidth is around 300kHz. Both hold and freeze functionality are available.
You can get one here

SainSmart DSO138 2.4″ TFT 1Msps Digital Oscilloscope Kit with DIY parts(30$)

With 12bit accuracy, this Sain Smart DIY Oscilloscope is suitable for hobbyist & students alike.  The manual is easy understandable and instructions are clear
You can get one here

JYE Tech 06204KP 062 LCD oscilloscope DIY kit(50$)

The kit has all the basic features with the bandwidth being over 500Khz. It has good sensitivity as well, with downside being the relatively small screen size.
You can get one here

Autek DSO068 Digital LCD Oscilloscope DIY Kit (71$)

Another kit with powerful capabilities, this one has a bandwidth of 0-3Mhz as well. You can save captured waveforms to EEPROM as well.
You can get one here

Digital Oscilloscope DIY Kit by CanaKit(60$)

One of the most popular choices for DIY kits on the web. This kit has an analog bandwidth of 1Mhz with 100mV/Div-5V/Div sensitivity. Although majority reviews state that they had no issues in completing the kit but some have also reported being shipped with incomplete parts.
You can get one here

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