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YouTuber Converts Tesla Model 3 Into A Pick-Up Truck

Tesla seems to be everywhere these days, and we’re not just talking figuratively (*cough cough* Tesla Roadster in space *cough cough*). So when Elon Musk hinted that Tesla are working on an all-electric pick-up truck, of course the internet went wild about it. Spreading and discussing rumors is one thing, but there is always someone who takes it one step further, one step closer to the absolutely ridiculous.

Enter Simone Giertz, a Swedish robotics expert and inventor who also happens to operate a very successful YouTube channel where you can see her do some absurdly cool stuff with robots. Ms. Giertz also appears to be a very impatient lady, since instead of waiting for any official announcements. she went ahead and converted her Tesla Model 3 into a pick-up truck aptly dubbed the Truckla, not that we’re complaining, of course.

As most of us are aware, the Tesla Model 3 is a luxury all-electric four-door sedan which has received acclaim from drivers and critics alike. So how did she manage to convert this very not-a-pick-up-truck car into an actual, working truck? Luckily for us, she documented the whole process which can be seen in this YouTube video uploaded to her channel:


At the start of the video, Simone issues a challenge to Elon Musk, to make the world’s first electric pick-up truck. Obviously, she didn’t manage to achieve all of this on her own and had help from her fellow YouTubers, namely Marcos Ramirez, a California-based mechanic and artist; Richard Benoit from Rich Rebuilds on YouTube; and German creator Laura Kampf, among a host of others. The whole job took a few weeks to complete, and the end result can be witnessed in all of its mechanical glory in this hilarious ad made especially for the Truckla:

TRUCKLA: The world's first Tesla pickup truck

After watching this, we have to agree that it quite frankly is the pick-up truck the world didn’t know it was waiting for. For a full round-up of how the Truckla came into existence, be sure to check out the 30-minute video posted above, and let us know what you think about it in the comment section below!

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