You Will Be Amazed To Know What They Do To These Old Subway Cars In US


Have you ever wondered what happens, when subway cars are retired by the MTA ? You will be amazed to know that they are dumped deep into the ocean. There would be a lot of questions in your mind and you would be concerned about its effects on the environment, well you will be happy to know that these actually have a positive impact on the environment as the marine life becomes more secure. How? Well that too will be revealed somewhere in this post.

In NewYork, old subway cars look like these…


These are taken to the Atlantic Ocean, for dumping purposes. 


You will find these subways dumped all the way to the East Coast and are a big help to the local ocean ecosystem.


And dang… there it goes..deep into the water.


Basically the subways create artificial reefs in the water are beneficial for the marine life and a big help to the fishing industry too. So these submerged or drowning subways are actually beneficial to the marine life.


There goes a crane holding on of these subways, ready to throw it away in the deep water.


And… dang!



Stats show that between 2001 and 2010, about 2,580 subways were drowned in the water.




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