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Would You Live In This House Hanging From A Cliff?

Cliff House – Hanging from The Cliff

Living on the edge literally turned real in the southwest Australian coast of Victoria where you will find a quirky modular house pinned dangerously to the side of a cliff face. Imagine the stunning view of the Indian ocean you would wake up to every morning. This is the ultimate home for couples who love taking risks. Designed by Australian architectural firm Modscape Concept, The Cliff House has been created to address the demand for residences to be built on rocky lands along the coast. Cliff House – Hanging from The Cliff4

The inspiration for the house was derived from the way barnacles manage to cling on to a ship’s hull. The five-storey house is definitely a dramatic and adventurous place to live in. The top floor has a car-parking area and the same storey leads to the entrance for lower levels of the house. The structure was pre-fabricated and has been anchored to the cliff via cleverly engineered gigantic steel pins.Cliff House – Hanging from The Cliff5

 Are you brave enough to feel the thrill of living here? 

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