According to NASA, a black hole is a space object that is incredibly dense and from which no light can escape. While black holes seem enigmatic and exotic, they are also a critical consequence of how gravity works: when a large amount of mass is compressed into a tiny enough region, the resulting object tears the fabric of space and time, forming a singularity. The gravity of a black hole is so strong that it can pull in and “devour” neighbouring matter.

What if the black hole is a minor remnant of the Big Bang, passing through our neighborhood unnoticed and having no discernible effect on local space? What if this little singularity crosses Earth’s orbit and collides with our planet? Theoretical physicists have been puzzled by this peculiar event, trying to figure out how a little black hole might be spotted as it cuts a clean hole through the Earth…
Technology Org recently published an article on this. Of course, we can all reasonably presume that such an impact would result in the end of the world in the most catastrophic sense: the entire planet would be obliterated. But… why do we constantly imagine black holes as massive objects? In fact, scientists believe that black holes may already exist, albeit in minuscule form. They can’t exert enough gravitational force to attract and compress the matter around them because of their size restrictions.
According to physicists, the chances of humans experiencing total gravitational collapse and ‘spaghettification’ are extremely remote and unlikely to occur in the next billion years or so. Further details to find out the answer, you can refer to this video in which scientists have expressed their thoughts on what they think once a black hole collides with earth.