Welcome to a video by Edwin Sarkissian, a YouTube user, that shows him experimenting with a 20 mm round rifle along with his friends. The aim of the experiment that was carried out by Edwin Sarkissian? To see what will happen if you fire a 20mm round at three 2.5-inch aluminium plates.

The fearless YouTube user, Edwin Sarkissian, was able to collect three aluminum plates – each 2.5 inches thick – and brought them to the desert where the YouTuber made use of a bullet that had a tungsten core to check out if it was able to penetrate the plates. The rifle that was used for shooting the bullet was Typhon 20.
Once the team has set up the equipment, it fires the Typhon 20 aimed at the three plates of aluminum. Edwin Sarkissian makes use of slow-motion cameras for capturing the whole ordeal from different angles. The outcome of the experiment is amazing; you get to see the 20 mm bullet making its way through all of the plates while they fall one by one with so much ease.

The hole that the gun has managed to make in the three aluminum plates – each 2.5 inches thick by the way is actually quite impressive. At the end of the experiment, Edwin Sarkissian and his pals are quite excited to see how the bullet is spinning on the surface of the floor.
This is when Edwin Sarkissian can be heard saying, ‘I wonder if it’s hot’. As it turns out, the bullet is not even hot. Sarkissian remarks, ‘This is so beautiful’ while he examines the bullet and others comment that no damage has been sustained by the bullet. Sarkissian says, ‘This is Tungsten. It is really tough stuff!’
Check out the amazing video of a Typhon 20 firing at three aluminum plates below and let us know what you think of it!